Search Results - hboi

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Methods For Producing Cultured Pearls In Conch and Other Gastropods
Prior to the development of this technology, there was no method for culturing pearls in conch and other gastropods. This novel method overcomes the challenge of extracting the pearl without killing the conch, which was previously a daunting task because of the odd shape of the animal. Additionally, this unique process allows for a large number of pearls...
Published: 4/13/2021   |   Inventor(s): Megan Davis, Hector Acosta-Salmon
Keywords(s): conch, gastropods, HBOI, method, mollusk, nucleous, nucleus, pearl, production, queen conch, Rose Pearl, secretion, technique
Category(s): Aquaculture
LiDAR System and Inversion Algorithm for Turbid Environments
This technology is a novel underwater light detection and ranging (LiDAR) system with several transmitters that can be tuned for specific wavelengths along with several receivers that measure both fine spatial and temporal resolution of the light received. It includes an algorithm that inverts and corrects the recorded two-dimensional arrays of backscatter...
Published: 1/14/2019   |   Inventor(s): Fraser Dalgleish, Bing Ouyang, Anni Dalgleish
Keywords(s): Engineering & Physical Sciences, HBOI, LiDAR Inversion algorithm, LiDAR System, multiple scattering
Category(s): Optics
MEMS Microdisplay Optical Imaging and Sensor Systems for Underwater Scattering Environments
An imaging and sensor system that provides the ability to acquire images with improved quality from underwater environments. This novel system reduces unwanted scattering volume while improving the signal to noise ratio to yield superior images compared to current technologies. Additionally, the design is a more compact, reliable, and cost effective...
Published: 7/25/2019   |   Inventor(s): Anni Dalgleish, Bing Ouyang, Fraser Dalgleish
Keywords(s): HBOI
Category(s): Optics
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