Search Results - Sensing+and+Embedded+Network+Systems

3 Results Sort By:
Free-Swimming Soft Robotic Jellyfish with Adaptive Three-Axis Depth Control for Monitoring Marine Environments
FAU researchers developed a soft robotic jellyfish that contains a variety of environmental monitoring sensors. Similar to a real jellyfish, the robotic jellyfish has a central body and nine tentacles. The central body contains the power source, the control logic, and any desired marine sensors. The tentacles are divided into groups of three and contain...
Published: 6/18/2020   |   Inventor(s): Erik Engeberg
Category(s): Robotics, Sensing and Embedded Network Systems
Systems and Methods for Irrigation Monitoring and Leak Detection
The current systems utilized for monitoring fluid flow and leaks in irrigation systems in residential and commercial buildings is ineffective, which results in missed leaks. These missed leaks can cause substantial damage to property along with a hefty price tag to repair both the water damage and irrigation system. This technology provides a more ideal...
Published: 8/2/2019   |   Inventor(s): Jason Hallstrom, Jiannan Zhai, Chancey Kelley, Michael Brown, Drew Van Zwieten, Don Salamon
Category(s): Sensing and Embedded Network Systems
Systems and Methods for Federated Power Management
System components such as processors, sensors, actuators, etc. have traditionally been powered by untethered sensing devices from a single shared energy storage source. Unfortunately, this approach resulted in devices that charge slowly. Also, these devices are both inefficient and inflexible for sensor systems that are powered by harvested energy....
Published: 8/2/2019   |   Inventor(s): Jason Hallstrom, Chancey Kelley, Michael Brown, Jiannan Zhai, Alexander Roscoe
Category(s): Sensing and Embedded Network Systems
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